- AT party time, Cornflakes
packets make ideal jelly moulds for anyone requiring
large rectangular blocks of jelly. Although they do have
the disadvantage of not being waterproof.
criminals. Tell your guards to shoot James Bond in the
head at the first opportunity. Under no circumstances
give him a guided tour of your base, or leave him in the
custody of attractive women in bikinis.
- AMERICAN organised crime
leaders. Upon capturing the 'A' Team do not under any
circumstances lock them in a shed full of tools and
useful scrap materials.
- OLD telephone directories make
ideal personal address books. Simply cross out the names
and address of people you don't know.
- AVOID having to draw up a
shopping list every week by taking your trash can to the
supermarket with you: buy new stuff of the rubbish you
find in the bin.
- AVOID over ordering milk by
placing your fridge on the pavement just outside your
gate. The milkman can then check your day-to-day
requirement for himself.
- WHEN reading a book try
tearing out the pages as you read them. This saves the
expense of buying a bookmark, and the pages can later be
used for toilet paper.
- MOTORISTS. Pressing your 'fog
lights' switch a second time after the fog has cleared
will actually turn your fog lights off.
- A TEASPOON placed in a glass
on the back seat of your car makes a handy audible gauge
for road bump severity.
- BUS DRIVERS. Pretend you're an
airline pilot by wedging your accelerator pedal down with
a heavy book, securing the steering wheel with some old
rope, and then strolling back along the bus chatting
casually to the passengers.
- LOOK 'hard' on train journeys
by saving up all your empty beer cans for a month and
then lining them up on the table in front of you.
- FOOL other drivers into
thinking you have an expensive car phone by holding an
old TV or video remote control up to your ear and
occasionally swerving across the road and mounting the
- WHEN out driving always turn
left. Then, should you become lost, you can find your way
home by reversing the procedure and always turning right.
- NEXT time you pop out to the
supermarket, glue carpet tiles to the soles of your
shoes. They'll make the shop feel like your own living
- DRILL a one inch diameter hole
in your refrigerator door. This will allow you to check
that the light goes off when the door is closed.
- DON'T put washing-up liquid in
the garage or loft. Keep it handy in the kitchen. I put
mine in the cupboard under the sink.
- SAVE petrol by pushing your
car to your destination. Invariably passers-by will think
you've broken down and help.
- BOMB disposal experts' wives.
Keep hubby on his toes by packing his lunchbox with
plasticine and an old alarm clock.
- PENSIONERS: put a cushion on
your car seat when driving.
- FOOL people who call you on
the telephone into thinking you have an expensive
mobile/cell phone by asking them to repeat every second
thing and then hanging up halfway through their reply.