A page of great OK stuff!

On this page you will find links to a good selection of "clean" (well almost) jokes.

General stuff (Updated!)

What women say and what they mean; and what men say and what they mean

Bumper stickers

Great stories from the legal world

Top Tips to get ahead in life

The Simpson X-Ray:

Jokes about civil servants

Great Quotes

How to be a good boss

Eternal Great Truths

The Classic "Olympics in Manchester"

Really Stupid People

Recommended Pick-Up lines

A tackle to make the eyes water:

Mercedes Benz-Speak in the UK

Fun things to do in an elevator

How to cure your drinking problem

Insurance Claim Forms

New Absence Notes

100 Reasons Why it is Great to be a Male

Crucial Training Courses for Women

Stages of Drunkenness

Darwin Awards: People who deserved to croak

Tommy Cooper One Liners

Great Turn Downs

Main Contents OK Stuff Smutty Stuff Real Smut Yugh!